Friday, February 15, 2008

What can you do with narrow stripes of fabric leftovers?

What can you do with narrow stripes of fabric leftovers?

In my opinion even tiny pieces of fabric could be used to produce beautiful things.
I have 2.5” wide stripes of nice silk fabric, and I don’t want to waste them, because the fabric is pretty and it is a natural silk.

Below are my original sketches for decorative pillows to be made out of those stripes and other tiny leftovers.

I decided I want to start with decorative pillow with white window. I even found a name for this pillow – Night Window.

Here is the first part of that pillow:

Next I added several stripes of silk. I call this parquet technique:

Than I added more stripes on the other side of the “window”:

Now I have to decide what technique to use for the back side of the pillow. Should I use the same parquet technique, or just to sew stripes along or use a whole piece of silk fabric to make the back of the pillow?

I will let you know after I make my decision, and I will post the photo of the finished pillow as well. So, stay tuned.


  1. What a cool pillow!
    And the color is great!

  2. Great Design! I use strips of fabric to make my fabric coiled baskets!

  3. Hi. I thought the idea is really cost-efficient and really creative. Smart idea. It can save some of us the extra dollars we need in buying other items for our home.

    Besides the dollars saved, we can also feel proud for having our self-made creation displayed to the guests.

    Thanks for the great idea. I hope you can check out my Storage Space Solution for the house.

